Welcome to Alert bots

Universal automation

Turn TradingView and other alerts into trades on 8 exchanges — supports strategies

Control and analytics

Manage trades in real time and analyze performance with charts and diary

Easy configuration

Open and manage positions with script alerts or set risk management in the configurator

Share and earn

Boost your signals with seamless and scalable copy trading and unlock extra sales

Alerts triggered by your script

Bot processes alerts

Orders filled on exchange

Manage trades in real time

Relax while bots handle routine

Skyrexio enables traders to trade smarter by reducing emotional decision-making and automating routine tasks

Performed by our users

Alerts executed
0 k+
Bots launched
0 k+
Trades created
0 k+
Volume traded
$ 0 M+

Automated alerts execution

Skyrexio is a verified automation platform. Use fast OAuth to connect your account inand start earning with Skyrexio.

Smart control over trades

Full real time management of active positions with progress bar and action buttons: control size, adjust 
risk management, close or cancel trade any time

All-in-one intuitive configurator for seamless setup

Share your bots

Empower your trading community enabling to copy your bots with a single click. Trades and bot settings sync automatically across all members. Boost sales with Skyrexio Marketplace and earn profit-sharing rewards

TradingView integrated

Skyrexio enables you to utilize all benefits of TradingView PineScript with webhook automated execution of any complexity Indicators and strategies

Execute scripts on major exchages with Skyrexio

Take control of your trades with Alert Bot, which adapts to your preferences and handles the complexities—leaving emotions out of the equation